Recommended ReadsJune 11th, 2019

Virtual reality: how women are taking a leading role in the sector

Iain Phillips
Iain Phillips, Design Director

It often feels like good trends aren’t celebrated enough when they happen, so when I spotted this article about an increasing number of women taking up leadership roles in VR companies it filled me with a little bit of hope.

Especially considering how male-biased the tech industry and VR in particular can be. The technology itself causes motion sickness at far higher rates in women, and only 16% of UK women have tried VR in comparison to 30% of UK men.

However, with female leaders like my former colleague Resh Sidhu, and Isabel Van De Keer (from the article), who says: “We really want it to become an inclusive community, where everybody is represented”, I’m excited that VR might break the trend and become just that.

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