Recommended ReadsOctober 27th, 2020
Flex your future thinking with this free team game
Strategic design is fundamentally about future thinking – we imagine the future we want to create and then work to build a pathway between now and our vision.
While strategic foresight requires imagination, it also comes with the complexities of understanding the business, the end user, and the constraints of resourcing and budgets. How often do we give ourselves permission to flex our imagination just for the fun of it?
At Paper Giant, we recently spent a hilarious afternoon playing The Thing From The Future – a simple game designed to stretch the imagination by coming up with “the most entertaining and thought-provoking descriptions of hypothetical objects from different near-, medium-, and long-term futures”, based on a collectively generated prompt.
Get your team together for an hour or two, create a few scenarios from the deck of cards Situation Lab has kindly provided, and see what you can come up with when you’re given permission to set your imagination free.